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Anzac Plans

Te Awamutu’s commemoration of Anzac Day starts tomorrow with Poppy Day.  The annual appeal being marked this year on April 19 will see the sale…

News in brief

St John full of colour This month’s Colour Run at Lake Ngā Roto in support of St John proved successful and was loads of fun,…

Menzshed help flying the flags again

Flagpoles in Te Awamutu have a friend in the Menzshed. Having restored to glory the pole on Anzac Green in the centre of Te Awamutu…

Mayors keep cards close

An amalgamation discussion right now could be short and pretty one sided in Waikato. A snap survey of Waikato’s civic leaders suggested the most do…

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Waipā star Kango for it

Waikato interest in the biggest event of Cambridge Raceway’s calendar tomorrow has been boosted following a late withdrawal. Kango, trained at Cambridge Raceway by Arna…

Central wins in Kihikihi

A Cambridge Central combination won a successful tournament at Kihikihi last week. Skip Laurie Roycroft, with Ron Greenwood and Dennis Wilcock , secured first prize…

Kicking the monkey to touch

At 2pm on March 19, a dozen boys in maroon and yellow sports uniforms huddle on a sideline at Albert Park, completely absorbed in their…

Birthday on the runway

Kenzie Pivott was up early on Sunday for her birthday. But there was another reason for the Te Awamutu 12-year-old to be ready for a…

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Our week in review

After a small hiatus I am back from leave and am looking forward to filling you all in with a review of the week showing…

Countdown to catastrophe

This time in 1980 in the United States activity was increasing at Mount St Helens volcano, Washington. Several earthquakes were detected in mid-March, alerting scientists…

Ambivalence in Devotion

I often wonder who reads the ‘Faith’ column in the paper, that is, aside from me and the other contributors. I figure it must be…

The mystery man and the moon

At full moon Maurice Mahon often went a little strange.  He was considered rather eccentric but not dangerous although he once threatened his employer, Mr…