Teresa wins ‘dunny’ comp

Teresa wins
‘dunny’ comp

The new toilets at Centennial Park in Te Awamutu have received a splash of colour, following a public art competition run by Waipā District Council.

The Designer Dunny competition invited artists to submit an original concept which would be applied to the toilet block using a graphic wrap.

Council’s community services manager Sally Sheedy, one of the competition judges, said the calibre of entries was high.

“We received a range of outstanding paintings, photos and illustrations, which made selecting the winning entry a difficult decision.

“The winning entry is a natural fit for the park and evokes a fun, playful spirit.”

The entry was created by Te Awamutu artist Teresa Siemonek, who depicted a kōtare (kingfisher), tūī, kōwhai tree and raupō plants in her artwork.

Teresa works as an art tutor for support organisation Enrich Plus in Te Awamutu and has been painting and tutoring for 20 years.
She says her painting was inspired by the natural area surrounding Centennial Park.

“I was delighted to hear that I’d won the competition, as it’s so rewarding to have artwork on display for the community to enjoy.”

Council’s community facilities team leader Brad Ward said the artwork would bring colour and vibrancy to Centennial Park.

“It’s great see art by local artists bring public spaces to life. We know this artwork will be enjoyed by many people for years to come.”

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