Cadets unit on the rise

For many Anzac Day is special and for the young cadets it’s a way of honouring and continuing the tradition.

With the help of a new commander, Te Awamutu’s cadets are doing just that.

Lieutenant Dave Evans is the unit commander of Hamilton City Cadet Unit, but after receiving an email sent out to all Waikato cadet officers looking for volunteers to help keep Te Awamutu Community Cadet Unit he knew his help was needed.

This was because the previous unit commander was retiring.

“This role is for 12 months to help establish the unit and try to bring in more cadets and parents and staff so that there is a good structure for the unit going forward,” Evans said.

He previously spent 13 years in the British Army 1981 to 1994, in the Royal Corps of Signals. Serving in the UK, Cyprus, Belize, Germany and the Falkland Islands before moving to New Zealand.

Cadet Under Training Keira Marx attended the camp and said that it is special being part of the cadets as it gives her the opportunity to honour those who have served before her. Anzac Day was a special opportunity for that

Three cadets from Te Awamutu attended an overnight Anzac camp organised by the Hamilton City Cadet Unit as part of Anzac celebrations.

These three cadets joined in with 35 cadets from HCCU. Saturday night saw them practice a bit of drill before final preparations were done to their uniforms.

The next day at 4am saw everyone up dressed and eating a small breakfast before being ferried down to the south end of Victoria St for the dawn service, then it was back to base camp for a good fry up breakfast before attending the civic parade at 10am.

They then joined the veterans back at the Hamilton RSA to enjoy the rest of the day.

The cadets mingled with the veterans and chatted and listened to their stories and some got to dance with them.

They received a round of applause as they left the RSA. Going forward this is something the TACCU would like to do locally.

There are currently 10 cadets at TACCU, but are always looking for like minded youth who fancy a bit of a challenge and more to join the unit.



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