Circling in on the new roundabout

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency has selected a site north-west of the existing Piarere intersection for a $40 million roundabout project.

The plan is to have consents sorted later this year and for work to start on a two-year project in 2022.

The Waka Kotahi Board is considering a business case to extend the Waikato Expressway to Piarere.

Waka Kotahi Regional Manager Infrastructure Delivery Jo Wilton says the roundabout would improve safety.

“This intersection is among the most dangerous on the New Zealand roading network. The new roundabout will ensure that all traffic has a safe and efficient way of making any type of movement, be it straight ahead or turning. Vehicle speeds in roundabouts is significantly lower, which minimises the impact of any crash that might still occur.”

The project will be funded by the NZ Upgrade Programme.

Waka Kotahi is holding discussions with affected landowners.

Replacing the current intersection with the roundabout was not considered practical because of high traffic volumes.

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