Plastic campaign launched 

Say goodbye to cling film, shampoo bottles, straws and other single use plastics this month and play your part in Plastic Free July.

Waipā District Council is challenging residents to “swap out” single-use plastic items for more sustainable options as part of Plastic Free July.

Waste minimisation officer, Sally Fraser said focusing on one or two things during the month is a great place to start.

“Remembering your reusable produce bags, bringing your own container for takeaway food or using shampoo and soap bars instead of plastic bottles are all easy ways we can help contribute to the plastic free goal,” she said.

“We use plastic every day, some of it for a long time which is great, like a lunchbox, some of it for a shorter time, like a plastic bag to put our apples in, and that’s where we need to be making changes.

“Recycling is terrific but if we can reuse the plastic, we do buy or avoid it altogether, that’s even better”, she added.

Council’s waste minimisation team will be giving away samples of plastic-free alternatives to everyday products at pop-up stands throughout the month of July in Pirongia, Cambridge and Te Awamutu.

“We’ll have shampoo and soap bars, beeswax wraps, bamboo toothbrushes and reusable produce bags available for people to take home and try for July.”

Pop-up stand venues and dates:  Pirongia Market, Sunday, 9am-2pm; Te Awamutu Library, July 3, 10am-2pm; Cambridge Trash & Treasure, July 11, 8am-1pm; Cambridge Farmers Market, July 17, 8am-12pm; Pak’n Save Foyer, July 22, 10am-2pm.

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