Hampered hampers 

Volunteers hard at work last year packing over 300 hampers.

Operation Christmas Hamper is just around the corner – but organisers have been put months behind by Covid.

Operation Christmas Hamper is a community led initiative comprising Te Awamutu organisations and businesses who work together to support families in need during the holiday period.

Last year more than 300 hampers were distributed.

About 50 volunteers spent a week packing boxes, wrapping gifts and distributing these across the community.

Commsafe community safety officer and one of the organisers of the fundraisers Mandy Merson said the recent Covid restrictions have had a significant affect.

The Level 2 restrictions had impacted on fundraising opportunities. Regular fundraisers including an annual car wash and sausage sizzle will be held when the district is at Level 1.

“Currently we are about three months behind schedule, so we need the community to come on board now.”

Aside from delaying the Hamper plans, Covid has also made the need for the fundraiser greater.

Organisers have set a goal of 200 hampers.

“There is already stress on businesses and families so asking for their help to give back to the community in already limited resources is something we are very aware of,” she said.

“Hence our lower number of hampers but if we can get more out that would be amazing.”

She said the way to support the appeal is to make donations or volunteer to help. She can be contacted at [email protected].

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