In the news …. briefly

Mayor off sick

Waipā deputy mayor Liz Stolwyk has been covering for mayor Jim Mylchreest the past few days while he has been on sick leave. The News understands Mylchreest, who in August announced he would stand for mayor again next year, has a chest infection and laryngitis. Earlier this year he had a stroke but insisted it would not affect his ability to lead the council for a fourth term.

Interns join News

Two Wintec journalism students – Benjamin Wilson and Ricky Lam – have joined the News team this week on an internship. Watch out for their work in coming weeks.

Skate dates

Two planned events at the Rewi Street skate bowl, Centennial Park Te Awamutu, have been put back to November.

In the finals

Te Awamutu’s Matthew Van Der Wel, who is trained by Withers Electrical Ltd, is one of 10 finalists in the commercial-domestic division of the 20th Master Electricians Apprentice of the Year Challenge. The final is scheduled to be held in Wellington on November 18 and 19.

Rose talk

Te Awamutu Community Board chair Ange Holt says a proposal to review the town’s identity, and its Rosetown moniker, is attracting good debate.

Rook numbers fall

The Regional Council believes ongoing pest control has reduced rook numbers in the Waikato to below 40. It is at this time of year the birds are most frequently seen congregating. Drones have been added to the artillery of weapons to find and control the intelligent big black birds, which were introduced in the 1860s – to control “pest” insects.

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