News in brief ….

Mayor hospitalised

Jim Mylchreest

Waipā mayor Jim Mylchreest had a 24-hour stint in Waikato Hospital on an antibiotic drip last week when his chest infection worsened. Mylchreest said yesterday he had a high fever which settled down once he got on the antibiotics.

Lockdown three remains

Waipā will remain in level three lockdown, Covid response minister Chris Hipkins announced yesterday. The restrictions were eased very slightly today and results of a further review will be announced on Monday.

In the money

A property near Te Awamutu has been forfeited following a Police investigation connected to the manufacture and supply of methamphetamine. It brings to more than $1 million the value of assets forfeited in the wake of the September 2019 convictions of Blaine Weir, 44, on drugs, violence and firearms charges.

Booked out

Book lovers must wait until May for Cambridge Rotary’s popular Bookarama after a second blow from Covid. “With the Rotary Garden Festival in November needing all of the club’s support and the Town Hall being used by the ladies of the Christmas Festival in December we were hoping for a date early next year,” organiser Ray Milner said. “This wasn’t possible, and the first available suitable opportunity is in May. So, we are back where we started two years ago.

Science success

Waipā student Jordan Hazlehurst has starred at the Waikato Niwa Science Fair. Jordan collected the awards for best senior science award and best senior science project as well as a New Zealand Statistical Association Special Award and a Niwa work experience scholarship. Jordan’s school, St Peter’s, announced the success.

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