More classes for College 

In a scene similar to television’s Moving Houses, three new modular classrooms arrive at Te Awamutu College in the early hours. 

Three new modular classrooms arrived at Te Awamutu College last week to house the college’s growing roll.

The first truck arrived at 4am and was finished by mid-morning.

The college is one of 23 schools to benefit from new classrooms in an announcement from Education Minister Chris Hipkins last week.

Te Awamutu College’s roll has grown from 1134 to 1283 in four years.

It will get three new classrooms from the 2021 Budget short-term roll growth initiative.

“Schools around New Zealand are growing, and it is important that we provide them with the classrooms they need, so teachers can focus on teaching and students can focus on learning,” said Hipkins.

Three schools in Bay of Plenty/Waikato,17 in Auckland and three in the Otago/Southland area got new learning spaces to help them cope with growing student numbers.

Te Awamutu College principal Tony Membery was asked to comment but did not respond to a request from The News.

Meanwhile the college’s new board student representative for next year has been named as Jacob Chetwin.

House leaders will be announced in February.

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