Vaccine refusal threatens jobs

Several Waipā district council staff face losing their jobs because they refused to get Covid vaccinations.

The News understands 50 of the council’s 330 staff did not initially support the council’s Covid-19 Staff Vaccination Policy when it went out for consultation in December.

The policy came into effect on January 10 and staff had until January 21 to provide evidence of their first vaccination and until February 18 of their second.

There are now fewer than 10 staff who refuse to be vaccinated who could lose their jobs in April and The News understands that includes two with more than 50 years’ experience between them.

About 40 staff members, who did not support the mandate, agreed to be vaccinated to comply with the policy.

Garry Dyet

Council chief executive Garry Dyet would not confirm if or how many staff would be made redundant.

“We have worked through a fair and transparent process with those employees who chose not to provide evidence of full vaccination, including the exploration of alternative working arrangements, where feasible. Our people are important to us, and we are still working with them through this process,” he said.

Dyet said until the process was concluded, he could not offer any further comment.

Meanwhile a positive case of Covid was reported yesterday in the council’s Cambridge Service Centre.

“Our Cambridge office remains open – we have had a positive case within the team reported, however they have followed all processes in place and are isolating at home,” said Dyet.

Cambridge Service Centre



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