Pirongia gives $17,000

The Pirongia Community Board allocated $17,000 in discretionary funds last week.

The board had almost $29,000 in its uncommitted funds to allocate, and 16 applicants sought a total of $32,413.

Plunket was allocated the biggest single grant -$3500 for the installation of two heat pumps in the Ōhaupō clinic.

CommSafe was granted a $2000 towards communication costs and the Pirongia School board was allocated $1500 to cover the cost of operating the school pool. True Colours Children’s Health Trust was granted $1000 for communication and travel costs and MS Waikato received $500 towards operating expenses.

Another four applicants sought funding to cover the cost of running events.

Diabetes New Zealand was allocated $600 to help fund its Youth Education Days. Girl Guiding New Zealand received $500 for venue fees, as did the Te Rore Table Tennis Club, which was also granted $450 for hall hireage. The Ōhaupō Ngāhinapouri Lions Club was allocated $750 to help fund its annual Anzac Memorial Service.

The remaining applicants sought funding for maintenance and equipment related expenses.

The House of Science New Zealand Charitable Trust was allocated $1500 to so that they could purchase educational science kits for schools. Koromatua School was granted $1000 for the purchasing of two new netball posts. Loving Arms Charitable Trust received $1000 to purchase cartons to transport clothes and equipment to families of new-borns.

Pirongia Golf Club was allocated $500 to help reseal their driveway. The Te Awamutu Community Health Transport Trust received $1600 to purchase two wheelchairs. And the Te Pahu Hall Society was allocated $1000 for the installation of a water filtration unit.

The Pirongia Community Association was the only applicant to miss out, after seeking $5000 to cover a stipend for a Pirongia community connector.

Last week the Te Awamutu Community Board also allocated $30,140 from their discretionary fund to 17 applicants, a full list of the applicants can be found on the Te Awamutu News website.

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