Christmas message from Pastor Charmaine Gillam

Charmaine Gillam

God will never make a promise and not fulfil it. When God made a promise to send His Son, Jesus Christ our Saviour, long time ago (Genesis 3:14-15), God fulfilled that promise about 3000/4000 years later, with the birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ… “Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.” (Luke 2:11).

On Christmas day, we will celebrate the biggest gift we as mankind have ever received, out of love, mercy, grace, and compassion from God our Father. That gift is Jesus Christ, His Son. Through Jesus, we have received the gift of salvation, access to heaven, redemption, and eternal life (John 3:16). Christmas is not about expensive gifts, or who has the most gifts under a tree.


Christmas, is when we celebrate the miraculous birth of Jesus Christ. When our God became flesh, to save us from the penalty of sin. When God fulfilled His promise to mankind, and gave us hope through faith in Jesus Christ, our God. Christmas is about hope, and the love of God towards each one of us. Yes, everyone!!!
Have an awesome and blessed Christmas, thanking God for His precious gift, Jesus Christ.

  • Charmaine Gillam is Pastor of the Family Church, Te Awamutu

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