Special Olympians share Interlock lunch

Special Olympic success was enjoyed across several disciplines by these Interlock NZ members. They are (back from left) Cambridge’s Tuscany Davis-Havill and Hamilton’s Katie Townsend, (centre from left) Cambridge trio Keziah Clark, Courtney Duncan and Christina Crawford, and (front from left) Hamilton’s Matthew Slone, Te Awamutu’s Stevie Cook, and Matangi’s Nicholas Taris.

The inclusion of eight Special Olympians among their number made last week’s Christmas lunch particularly special for Interlock NZ.

The group, whose members come from Cambridge, Hamilton, Te Awamutu and Matamata, offers a welcoming space for people living with disabilities to connect with friends while enjoying a range of activities.

Last week’s Christmas lunch at the Hautapu Sports Club doubled as a celebration for eight of their members who achieved well at the recent national Special Olympics in Hamilton.  Interlock NZ founders Aaron and Lois Ure said they were very proud of the athletes.

“This is about them living their best life,” said Aaron.

Lois added: “It is through opportunities like this that they are confident enough to enjoy such success. We are thrilled for them.”

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