We couldn’t do it without you… 

This week we are in the middle of packaging the Christmas hampers. As always it is a very busy and chaotic week.

I thought at this point I should thank a number of local businesses and groups that have supported us this year. They include Fresh Choice,   Showcase Jewellers, Expleo, Silver Fern Farms, Bed Bath & Beyond, ANZ, Kereru Club from Pirongia, RSA, Regent Theatre, Pekapekarau School, Mitre 10 Mega, Te Awamutu Country Music Club and The Warehouse to name a few.

The Community has been so helpful and generous once again in helping us get products for the hampers for this year. It has been a challenging year to operate in as we try to adapt to the ever changing environment that is Covid.

Just this week we had to make a difficult decision to change the usual method of assembling the hampers by using volunteers to minimise the risk of Covid transmission. This decision was a difficult one as one of the most rewarding aspects of the whole year for me is watching an army of volunteers hum along as one team.

This column will be my last for the year as we head into the home straight.

After Christmas while everyone is starting to wind down and take holidays, Summer Policing starts to ramp up.

I’ll be working away at one of the beaches watching people do the things I want to be doing  – before taking a break myself in mid-January.

I hope you all have a great Christmas, A peaceful New Year and I look forward to doing it all again next year

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