United it stands…

The seeping rust stain is a sign of trouble for Te Awamutu’s flagpole.

A century after a community campaign  saw the establishment of Anzac Green in Te Awamutu, the same spirit is alive and well as plans proceed to save its flagpole.

The Green, originally the Memorial Triangle, features a memorial commemorating Waipā soldiers who fought in World War I and is an open civic space in the central business district.

But its flagpole, which has overlooked the green since 1923, has a bad case of dry rot.

Water has seeped through the bolt holes which hold the flagpole in place – and something has to be done.

The pole has stood for a century – and will be primed to complete another once repair work is done.

Enter a combination of the Te Awamutu RSA, Menzshed, Waipā District Council and Mitre 10 to sort the problem out.

The pole is about to be taken down so that repair work can be carried out and it can spend another 10 decades flying the flag.

Menzshed’s Steve Mannington said just how big the job will be won’t be known until the bottom of the pole is checked out, but it is expected a good metre of it will eventually be  replaced.

Mitre 10 is coming to the party to help with transport and removing the pole, the council is providing help via its Parks and Reserves department with health and safety and Te Awamutu’s RSA is also involved.

Lou Brown – a councillor and RSA member – said it was a real community effort, just as installing the pole had been in 1923.

“At that time the RSA had only been formed for two years in Te Awamutu,” he said.

“The pole was presented by a community group which funded the project.”

Brown said his knowledge of that group was light – and he would be interested in hearing from people who know more about it.

With Menzshed donating time and materials it is hoped to have the pole up again with a new pulley by Anzac Day.

  • Do you know more about the community group which donated the flagpole? Email [email protected]

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