And up she rises…


District councillor Lou Brown holds the line as members of the Te Awamutu Menzshed and RSA get the nuts and bolts in place on Tuesday morning.

Te Awamutu’s Anzac Green flagpole is back, all present and correct.

A community effort started several weeks ago to repair the pole came to fruition at dawn on Tuesday when the pole was taken from the Menzshed headquarters back to its home.

Timber at the foot of the pole was suffering from water damage and has been replaced.

District Councillor and RSA member Lou Brown said the project had brought together a range of groups.

Menzshed had repaired the pole, parks department staff from the council had arranged for a traffic plan to enable truck driver Neal Draper from Te Awamutu Mitre 10 to drive the pole from the Menzshed back to Anzac Green.

The gleaming white pole – paint provided by Allan Patterson from Dulux, was given a quick clean then work started to lift it into place.

Aligning the nuts and bolts took some extra work, if not brute force, but the project was done and dusted just before the rain fell.

And in plenty of time for Anzac Day.

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