Bee plus, Isabelle

The show programme says Isabelle Cook hopes to continue to be involved in “theatre locally”.

And that’s great news for Te Awamutu.

The versatile Year-13 student was nothing short of brilliant when the curtain opened on Te Awamutu College’s production of The Addams Family School Edition last night.

Isabelle’s talents extend to singing, playing a number of instruments, beekeeping – and waitressing.

Last night her performance as Morticia was one of many standouts in the show in the school hall. I suspect we’ll be reading more about her.

The opening night, played to a good sized and enthusiastic audience, was also watched by school principal Tony Membery who declared himself hugely impressed at the end of the night.

My grandchildren Eli and Kawiti were mesmerised – in the latter’s case no small achievement as he slept all the way from Hamilton in the car, then all the way home.

In front of us a group of students were equally impressed.

“I’m going to watch it again,” one said.

The show itself is a real challenge – the songs are complex, the timing throughout is challenging and the scene changes require precision timing. One of the costume changes on stage had the audience in fits.

It’s several flight of stairs up from my days at Tokoroa High School when Joseph and his Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat was on stage.

Much of it was operatic society quality – and you can’t pay a much higher compliment than that to director Morag Carter. Musical director Bob Hollinshead can also be proud of the performance of the band, part of the contingent of unseen stars.

The show runs to Saturday. I’m not going to give much more away – but if you want a great night out and the chance to see some outstanding talent, then get your ticket.

Read: It’s all together ooky


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