Restoring our environment

Samuel Pullenger

Here, in Te Awamutu we are lucky enough to be at the centre point between two maunga, Maungatautari and Pirongia.

Flowing between the two maunga is the Mangapiko stream which winds its way directly through our town. However, this stream is not really one we are able to enjoy anymore. The Mangapiko stream is known to have some of the worst water quality around the area. It did not used to be this way.

One of the projects that is currently working on the improvement of the Mangapiko stream, within a bigger goal, is Taiea te Taiao, meaning cherish the environment. This project is working to create an ecological corridor between Maungatautari and Pirongia through healing the streams and forming mini sanctuaries between the two maunga. This corridor will provide a safe route for birds and insects to find their way between the mountains. One of the things I found exciting about this project is that, as the Mangapiko stream used to be used for gathering food, swimming and playing in and one of the goals of the project is to see the stream restored to a similar quality so we can enjoy those benefits too.

At this time of the year, in the Christian calendar we begin Advent, the hopeful anticipation of Jesus’ birth at Christmas. The purpose of this time is to be reminded of why God became human, why God would choose to live a human life. One of the major purposes God became human was to bring about restoration and healing. To see the world God created, including the people and animals learn to flourish as God intends. For a Jesus follower, then, we are called to reflect on how and where we participate in projects of restoration, whether it be justice, healthcare, welfare, animal rescue or ecology. In each of these places and more we believe Jesus is calling all people to participate in restoration and reconciliation.

Every time we turn on the news, we see all the different ways that humans are figuring out how not to flourish. Yet, here in Te Awamutu we are given a beautiful example of how we can work together to bring about a healthy environment that generations can enjoy.

Summer is the perfect time to begin to participate in what is being done to restore the environment around Te Awamutu. For some of us, it may mean a bush walk through either Pirongia and Maungatautari. Or if you would like to participate in the Taiea te Taiao project you can find it online on the NZ Landcare Trust website. There are many different ways that we can participate in caring for the environment here in Te Awamutu.

As we prepare for the summer holiday season, I encourage you to find your own way of caring for the land. It is only through working together that we will be able to heal the land and learn to flourish as a community.

Mt Pirongia

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