St John gets grassroots bonus

Two new ambulances are ready to support Waikato communities  – and one of them is based in Te Awamutu.

The ambulances have come thanks to funding from the Grassroots Trust, a long-time supporter of Hato Hone St John.

A Generation 4 emergency ambulance will operate from Te Awamutu, and a Health Services vehicle, which will be based in Chartwell, Hamilton, were blessed during a ceremony at St John’s Te Awamutu ambulance station last week.

St John’s new ambulances

The new frontline emergency ambulance is fitted with a power-load electric stretcher and stair carry chair, which make it easier and safer to move patients in and out of the vehicle.

St John Area Operations Manager for South Waikato Craig Scott  says the new vehicle bolster the ambulance service’s resources in the district.

“This ambulance is a wonderful gift to our community,” he said.

The new Heath Services vehicle will serve the Hamilton community and the surrounding district.

Since 2022, the Trust and Grassroots Trust Central have granted more than $2 million for vehicles and equipment to St John, including Generation 4 ambulances for Te Awamutu, Morrinsville, Whakatane and Gisborne, an Event Health Services ambulance for Hamilton, Major Incident Support Team vehicles for Dunedin and Gisborne, and lifting chairs for Northland.

Grassroots Trust Executive Chairman Martin Bradley said the organisation was proud to support an “iconic essential” New Zealand service.

Pictured at the blessing of the new ambulances were, from left, Ken Williamson (Knight of the Order of St John), Craig Scott, ambulance officers Nigel Whibley, George McQuillan and Scott Gardiner and St John District Operations manager Ross Clark.


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