The week in review

Here’s how the last week looked for Te Awamutu police.

Ryan Fleming

Monday – Police served multiple trespass notices on a recidivist shoplifter on behalf of fed up retailers. Five warrants to arrest were issued in the Te Awamutu District Court. Police received a report of a suspicious vehicle and attended a family harm incident at an address in Te Awamutu.

Tuesday – Police attended a self-harm incident and were attacked by a dog at a violent family harm incident where a male was arrested for breaching a Police Safety Order. We received a report of wilful damage and attended a family harm incident where a Police Safety Order was issued. Police issued a trespass notice after a male verbally abused staff at a recreation centre and we received two reports of a burglary. A female was trespassed from a petrol station and police attended a family harm incident.

Wednesday – Police attended a self-harm incident and a family harm incident where a Police Safety Order was issued. We attended an assault incident at the Rose Gardens, a minor motor vehicle collision on State Highway 3 and a self-harm incident. A male had a motor vehicle collision after consuming alcohol.

Thursday – Police received a report of theft of a cell phone, attended a self-harm incident and a civil dispute matter. A male decamped after being issued a Parole Recall Warrant, police attended a shoplifting incident and a burglary was reported at a school.

Friday – Police attended two family harm incidents, a burglary was reported at a commercial premises, police recovered a stolen vehicle taken in  a burglary and a male was arrested for obscene behaviour.

Saturday – Police attended a theft, a male was found to be unlawfully in an enclosed yard, police attended a burglary. We attempted to stop a vehicle travelling at 141kph, the vehicle subsequently failed to stop.

Sunday – Police attended a suspicious persons incident and a burglary, a male was arrested for a shoplifting spree,  a male was arrested for breach of bail at a family harm incident and a driver fled from police after an attempt to stop his vehicle. Police arrested two males in the act of committing a burglary.

Also I would like to talk briefly about Community Patrols and the work they do. They are currently recruiting members to patrol. It would be great to get more patrollers on board to help keep our town safe. Patrollers only need to commit to one weekend shift a month. There are two dates for people who are interested – Saturday 12-1.30pm and Tuesday 6.30-8pm at 19 Lyon St, Kihikihi. Meet some of the volunteers and discuss the volunteer role.


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