The week in review

Here’s how last week looked for Te Awamutu police staff…

Ryan Fleming

Monday: We attended a sudden death at Waikeria Prison. Police received a report of a theft,  attended a minor motor vehicle collision and attended a self-harm incident. A motor vehicle was unlawfully taken from an address in Te Awamutu. Police attended a family harm incident where a Police Safety Order was breached. A male allegedly threatened his former employer over an employment dispute.

Tuesday: Police located a missing teenager, attended a minor motor vehicle collision and a family harm matter. A vehicle failed to stop for Police, Police received a report of a shoplifter, attended a self-harm incident, a burglary, a shoplifting incident at a supermarket, two burglaries at rural properties and a family harm incident at a rural property.

Wednesday: Police attended  a burglary and a family harm incident. A motor bike failed to stop for police and police executed a search warrant to seize the motor vehicle involved. A shoplifter was reported at a supermarket, a male was forbidden from driving until he obtained a licence, a shoplifter was reported, three youths were arrested for shoplifting, police attended a family harm incident.

Thursday: Four warrants to arrest issued in the Te Awamutu District Court. A male was stopped and his vehicle impounded for driving while disqualified. Police attended a sudden death, two people were arrested for breaching bail and police attended a family harm matter.

Friday: Police arrested a male while he was committing a burglary, and a male was arrested for threatening behaviour. Police received multiple reports of shoplifting. A vehicle failed to stop for Police,

Saturday: A male was arrested for breaching bail. Police received reports of inappropriate use of firearms by duck shooters and attended a shoplifting. We also attended a fatal motor vehicle crash and a family harm incident.

Sunday: A male breached his electronically monitored bail. Police attended a burglary at a school, four family harm incidents, a male was arrested on drugs charges and we attended a family harm incident and an assault matter.

Ryan Fleming outside Te Awamutu Police Station.


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