The week in review

Ryan Fleming reviews the week for Te Awamutu police.

Monday – A group of males were disturbed attempting to steal a car, a male was arrested for driving while disqualified, a male made threats to Winz staff and police attended three family harm incidents.

Tuesday – police received a report of serious offending as a result of long-term family harm matter, investigated a burglary and attended two mental health matters. A construction site burglary was reported.

Wednesday – A male was arrested for offensive behaviour and breach of bail, a car was broken into in Kihikihi, police uplifted a child as a result of care and protection concerns, an Eftpos card was found and used by two teenagers, a vehicle failed to stop for police, police attended two family harm incidents and investigated a burglary.

Thursday – We received a report of a burglary and an assault.  A male was arrested for serious offending relating to a family harm matter. Police attended another two family harm incidents and a self-harm incident. A made was taken to a mental health facility.

Friday – A burglar was found and arrested, police attended a family harm incident, a theft was reported from an outdoor supplies store, six people were processed for a variety of drink driving offences.

Saturday – We attended three mental health incidents and two family harm incidents, received a report of wilful damage to some cameras and two males were arrested for trespass.

Sunday – A male taken into mental health care, we attended two family harm incidents, a male threatened his ex-partner, and we attended another mental health incident.

Ryan Fleming

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