Leader of the gang takes a bow

They’re making a song and dance about Erika Ballantine.

The 17-year-old Te Awamutu College student took home the 2024 Waikato Scout and Guide Gang Show Spirit Award for being a role model in the five months leading up to this spring’s musical The Wizard of Odd show at Riverlea Theatre.

Erika took the lead role in the show, playing the Wizard of Odd alongside scouts and guides from all over the Waikato region.

Erika was a Venturer at Te Awamutu Scout Group during the run of the show and has recently moved to Te Kūiti.

According to the nominees, Erika was a “shining example” for other cast members on and off stage, leading the clean up every week without being asked.

Her presence was “a source of inspiration for all” and she “tackled every challenge with a smile, always punctual and well organised” and “goes above and beyond to support fellow cast members, always aiming to bring out the best in everyone”.

“This year’s recipient has often been seen during show week supporting cast members to be ready to go on stage with stepping up to support with hair, make up and costumes.”

This year’s gang show was Erika’s third, but it was her first as a team (or patrol) leader.

“I had five other people in my patrol with me, two of which were juniors,” Erika said.

“The oldest was only 12, a five 5 year age gap between me and them, which is quite significant at our age. While I did have a great patrol, there were times where I found it hard to get them under control. But that was pretty much expected with having such a young patrol. I also had to find the time to juggle learning lines and practising with all of my school work, which just seems to grow with each passing year,” she said.

Erika Ballantyne

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