Lake Ngā Roto cyanobacteria health warning

A health warning has been issued today by National Public Health Service, advising people to avoid recreational water activity at Lake Ngā Roto, due to a significant rise in the cyanobacteria (blue green algae) concentration.

Scout leaders instruct youth during a sailing assessment on Lake Ngā Roto near Te Awamutu.

This new health warning is in addition to those already in place at Lakes Rotoroa (Hamilton Lake), Hakanoa, Waikare, Rotokauri, Whangape and Kainui.

“People should avoid any activity in or near these lakes that could lead to skin contact with the affected water, or the water being swallowed” says National Public Health Service Medical Officer of Health Dr Richard Wall.

“Toxins released by cyanobacteria can trigger asthma and hayfever symptoms, skin rashes, stomach upsets, and neurological effects such as tingling around the mouth, headaches, breathing difficulties and visual problems.”

The symptoms may not appear until some time after contact with affected water.

“If you do come into contact with water at lakes when warnings are in place or where there were visible changes in water colour, shower and change your clothing as soon as possible afterwards, even if you do not have symptoms,” adds Dr Wall.

“If you feel unwell after coming in contact with the lake you should seek health advice from your doctor or by calling Healthline on 0800 611 116.

Scums formed by algal blooms are a particular risk because they contain a high level of toxins. If contact with scum does occur, skin should be rinsed clean and clothing changed as soon as possible.

“It’s particularly important for parents to keep an eye on children if you’re down at the water as these scums can form at the edge of the lake and children will sometimes play with them.”

Dog owners should prevent their dogs from drinking or swimming in the water or eating algal bloom scum as dogs are particularly sensitive to cyanobacteria and could become seriously ill.

Ngā Roto

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