O’Brien ‘excited and humbled’

Incoming Te Wānanga o Aotearoa kaiwhakatere chief executive Evie O’Brien says she is excited and humbled to be appointed.

Evie O’Brien

O’Brien was welcomed back to Te Awamutu head office on Tuesday with a pōwhiri.

“It has what many tertiary organisations spend years searching for, yet few rarely find, and that is a transformational and inspiring vision,” O’Brien said.

Evie O’Brien is yet to emerge to meet her welcomers.

“That is about the communities we serve rather than the organisation, values and staff who are dedicated to these in every way not least in the way that programmes are designed, delivered and where tauira experience and success is to the forefront.

“It is a complex eco-system rather than an ego-system.”

Te Mana Whakahaere council chair Vanessa Eparaima encloaks Evie O’Brien.

Tuesday’s welcome on O’Brien’s first day on the job was a bit of a homecoming for her. Her whakapapa is Ngāti Awa, Ngāti Pikiao, Ngāti Ranginui and Ngāti Maniapoto.

It is 10 years since O’Brien left the organisation as acting Kaihautū National Delivery, and O’Brien will work alongside current kaiwhakatere chief executive Nepia Winiata before his farewell on February 13. He has served the organisation for 15 years.

Te Wānanga has 23,000 students studying through about 60 sites across New Zealand.

Te Wānanga o Aotearoa kaiwhakatere chief executive Evie O’Brien was welcomed this week.

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