Local News

Bats get the benefit

A Waipā District Council plan change going operative on Monday will help the endangered long-tailed pekapeka native bat. And it can’t come soon enough for Waikato Regional Airport boss Mark Morgan who said the ratepayer…

Board outlines rates plans

Cut staff and turn to service organisations for help. That’s the message Te Awamutu and Kihikihi Community Board chair Ange Holt took to Waipā District Council as it considered its Enhanced Annual Plan. “Based on…

Chamber chief considers council

The first candidate for next year’s Waipa District Council elections may be confirmed soon. Te Awamutu Business Chamber chief executive Shane Walsh said “I’m thinking about it,” he said when The News asked him. “I…

From cells to sales

Rob Pierce has swapped one blue shirt for another. Pierce has moved into real estate as a lifestyle and residential sales consultant after serving 31 years in the New Zealand Police. Pierce was based in…

Waipa cast in Notre Dame

Zara Thompson knew performing arts was where her future lay when she was plucked from the chorus five hours before opening night to sing a solo. She didn’t know the words and hadn’t practised the…

A predicament for Maungatautari

A senior Department of Conservation manager says she really feels for cash strapped Sanctuary Mountain Maungatautari and hopes that something can be worked out concerning funding. “I think they’re in a really tough predicament,” said…

News …… in brief

Rates set Waipā District Council’s Enhanced Annual Plan and Development Contributions policy was adopted this week. It authorises the council to levy ratepayers $99 million and borrowings of $105 million in the financial year starting…

How Jean makes it all add up

At the 2024 Volunteering Waikato Awards last week, Jean McKenzie was named Education Innovator of the year. She says her aim is to give all students the best opportunities to influence their futures. On an…

Look and learn

An exhibition in Ōtorohanga invites viewers to do their own research. Ki te kapu o taku ringa  –  In the palm of my hand –  features wāhi mana or places of significance in the King…

Waitomo pulls plug

Waitomo will quit a Smart Water partnership it had with Hamilton city and Waipā district councils from the end of next January. It’s a financial decision, Waitomo CEO Ben Smit said. “Really we weren’t getting…

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