Local Opinion

Christmas message from Bruce Judd

Last Friday afternoon folk of all ages gathered to enjoy singing joyous Christmas carols in the Church-yard outside the Presbyterian church, in celebration of the birth of Jesus our Lord and Saviour. It certainly felt…

Christmas message from Phil Strong

Each week in the news we read about local stories, some of which are positive, and others are challenging to process. Sadly, I recently read online about a family who had lost their son’s bike…

Christmas message from Christine Bryant

A generous friend phoned me yesterday to ask if she could help prepare food for one of our Christmas services.  We got to talking about who she and her husband would celebrate Christmas with. “The…

Christmas message from Monsignor Joe Stack

God’s Blessings and Best wishes for Christmas and the New Year to all people of good will. Christmas is the one holiday that so uniquely offers a brief moment of hope that peace and human…

A burning issue

Work has been underway by Waikato Regional Council (WRC) for much of the past year preparing for our 2024–34 Long Term Plan budget. We are looking to go out to the public with our formal…

Watching a crisis unfold

I arrived at my desk on Tuesday last week to find my concerns from yesterday confirmed. Gunung (Mount) Marapi erupted in Sumatra, Indonesia, he day before, producing an ash plume – not smoke – made…

Rest and recreation

The Waipā Racing club’s last meeting before Christmas 1938 was held at Te Rapa in showery weather but had a good attendance. The event was described as a ‘full on dress rehearsal for the Ellerslie…

Tough calls begin

Waipā District Council’s decision last week to cut funding to the two i-Sites in Cambridge and Te Awamutu appears to be the first sign other tough financial decisions will follow. But The News’ attempts to…

Feeling Alexander’s pain

When 80-year-old Alexander Kemble was staggering the streets of Alexandra in great agony in January 1881 there was a dilemma as to what should be done with him. There were no police in the district…

Promises, promises!

The negotiations have finished, some give and take done, some appointments made; and now we have a three party government to lead us maybe for the three years. Promises have been offered by each composite…

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