Local Opinion

We need more hee haw

There’s an interesting story in the Bible I want to point you to, but before I do, I really need to set you up. You see, I read the news and listen to the goings…

Great fountains of lava

Eruptions in Iceland and Hawaii produce beautiful and sometimes destructive scenes of molten rock shooting into the air in a style that we call lava fountaining. This is when lava ascends to the surface very…

Guiding highlights

It’s 1939, and Meghan Hawkes looks back on the headlines in Waipa.  A Girl Guide camp, under the control of Miss H Gray Hammond, was held on an ideal site with excellent swimming facilities at…

The value of a good leader

Recently St John’s Church lost one of its most significant leaders and servants, Alan Empson. At the heart of all that Alan was and accomplished was his deeply held faith in the love of God….

Our week in review

Here’s how last week shaped up for Te Awamutu police… Monday – A driver fled after a series of burglaries. Police attended two family harm incidents, a minor motor vehicle collision and a self-harm incident….

When volcanic gases turn deadly

Starting at 9 to 10 pm on August  21, 1986, heavy gases crept along the ground from the volcanic Lake Nyos in Cameroon, moving silently towards villages and homes. Over the following six to 36…

Thoughts on the Budget

The centre-piece of this year’s Budget was the implementation of the tax cuts that National had ‘promised’ during last year’s election campaign. They did this by raising the three lowest tax brackets by about 11.5…

Tragedy in the river

Gathering bean sticks for the runner beans in the family vegetable garden was the afternoon’s occupation for a few lads near the Te Awamutu railway station in December 1901. To get to the sticks 10-year-old…

Silence – not always golden

As elected members of the Te Awamutu and Kihikihi Community Board, we bear the responsibility of making decisions that shape our town’s future. Our role involves weighing various factors, from safety to affordability, and considering…

What we are not prepared for…

For the second time in a matter of days the Ōhaupō community was witness to a tragedy on State Highway 3. As former district councillor James Parlane was being mourned, more families were learning of…

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